Coloring Austin

When I started to pursue art as a part time career in 2017, I had not picked up a paintbrush in two years. Life happens and I had to turn my attention towards my family, taking a step back from art. So when I had the crazy idea to drop out of school and create again, I had no idea what that meant for me. I wanted a name that I could work under and still have the freedom to do whatever I want (I used to work in sculpture, refurbishing furniture, printmaking, as well as painting). Flea Market Funky provided that vagueness for me, and I love what I have done with it. Up until FMF, I had never worked with watercolor as a serious medium!

Flash forward to present day, I have a better grasp on my style, my medium, and what I love to create as an artist. This whole process of finding the beautiful corners of Austin and painting them has brought me so much joy! I have an increasing appreciation and excitement for this place that I already call home and the growth that is happening here. 

So I am THRILLED to announce that I will be narrowing my focus and in turn changing my art brand from Flea Market Funky to Coloring Austin! Coloring Austin better depicts my work and me as an artist. With this name, I will continue to paint Austin in watercolor, and I am excited to continue to explore this city that I call home! 

Why Hydrangeas?

I have always been drawn to hydrangeas, I love how soft they look but are still so striking. They are a fresh, simple flower yet I love the intricacy of all the petals; you only need about three to make up a full bouquet. They add a bit of beauty to any space and one of my favorite flowers to come home to. When my husband, Anthony, knows I had a bad day, he will bring me home a couple. He says he never sees me more excited than when I see him bring me some fresh beautiful flowers.

I chose to use watercolor in this first series because watercolor gives a unique softer, dreamy effect to a painting. I wanted the paintings to be pieces that you can place just about anywhere in your space. Also, these paintings are meant to be a soft reminder of the beauty found in this world.

God has created breathtaking things on this earth, including flowers and hydrangeas, and I am just so thankful that he gifted us with such beauty. I always want to portray the creations of our ultimate creator through my art and explore his works through color, shape, and motion.

My Takeaway from Pregnancy


2018 has been a year full of life, joy, and love; however, for me, it has also been a year full of hardship, exhaustion, and challenges. I was so excited when I found out that my husband and I were going to be parents to a second child, I could not wait! We had been trying for a few months and we were thrilled to become a family of four. However, the more my pregnancy progressed, the more I was faced with the hardships that come along with pregnancy. Everyone warns you about the physical challenges you will face when you are pregnant, but they neglect to inform you of a few things: 1) recovery after you give birth and 2) the mental hardships ahead. Now I understand not every woman experiences exactly what I went through, but I know my experience is not unusual.

  The recovery of giving birth is brutal. Your body is recovering from a trauma, you have to wear a diaper for about six weeks, and then you are sent home from the hospital with a new baby that you have to care for. You, a person healing from a painful, life-changing experience, have to make sure you are caring for a 100% dependent new human being. People also do not tell you that breastfeeding is a skill. I always thought breastfeeding was something that came naturally after birth, that you just knew how to do it, an instinct. That thought was far from the truth, at least in my case. Breastfeeding is something you have to learn. It is painful, both physically and mentally, and it does not always come easy. So many things can go wrong with breastfeeding: your baby might not be latching, you may not supplying enough milk, mastitis, or you might not even have the right anatomy.

My difficulties with breastfeeding was one of my mental hardships. All I wanted to do was to provide for my baby and have a wonderful bonding experience but it was so unbelievably painful for me. Along with breastfeeding, actual pregnancy brought up some mental obstacles within me. With the surge of hormones in my body, my emotions were all over the place. This included some really down and dark moments. The world seemed gray, and even though I could think rationally that it was just the pregnancy hormones, I felt despair. Not only was I physically sick, but I was plagued by a darkness, a depression. I could not even tell you about what specifically, but it was really hard on my husband and family. Pregnancy is HARD! Of course it is all worth it once you see that tiny little face looking up at you, filling you with so much love you didn't know was possible. However, I feel like women refrain from talking about the difficulties of pregnancy because we fear it will taint the miracle and joy of having a child.

The act of bringing a child into the world is such a wonderful gift to be cherished, but I think that the challenges should not be ignored. Talking about them would remind women that they are not alone. Now that my pregnancy is over, I can feel my body returning to normal (physically and hormonally) but I do not want to move on without talking about the challenges.

This season of life really took a lot of relying on God, and constantly refocusing on him and all the blessings he has given me. I could not do this without the hope that he has given me, a promise of salvation, during a time where I felt hopeless. I am so thankful for my two beautiful daughters, Tate and Blake, and I would do it again, I just wanted to offer a different perspective.

A How To: Painting on the Go

Your tools

Watercolor brush pens

Watercolor brush pens are a game changer. With watercolor, comes worries, not limited to:

  • Where to get the water?

  • Where do I place the water?

  • Did I even bring something to put the water in?

But, I've found that watercolor brush pens eliminate all of those worries (find some here). They are always ready to use with no mess. It makes painting on-the-go not a big deal, but makes painting everyday totally doable. I have even painted in a moving car with these tools in hand!

Small watercolor palette

This will just make your paint more accessible. You can buy one on amazon (I bought this one) or you can buy an empty one and fill it with your own paint!

*Fun idea: find an antique pill box. Use the compartments as paint pans and squeeze your paint into them! This makes your palette compact and oh so fashionable!

Small watercolor sketchbook

I would buy a small watercolor sketchbook off amazon (here is the one I have) or a local art store. I tend to like landscape sketchbooks when on the move because I use them predominately to capture the scene. Get whatever you think will fit your needs the best. The size is important though, so you can carry it around with you anywhere.

I recommend making sure you have access to your tools at all times when out and about. I like to keep mine in my purse, backpack, or my car. On the subject of your paintings: paint whatever you want!

Now it is time to paint

When you start off, focus solely on the colors of what you are painting. Do not worry about whether it looks accurate or has the right shapes or proportions. Just focus on the undertones you see. Some things I ask myself when painting landscapes include:

  • What colors reflect from the sky onto the water?

  • Is the grass a little dead? If so, is there some brown? red? yellow?

  • What is the movement of the colors?

  • How do the colors interact?

Here is an example of a journal entry I did where I focused on color alone:

watercolor journel 1.jpeg

It is only after I feel I have a grasp on the colors, that I am able to recognize all of the colors in a scene, that I even begin working in shadows. Notice where the light hits, and where it is absent. Once you start adding shadows, it will evolve into shapes, and you can focus on proportions.

journel 3.jpeg

The point of painting daily is not so it looks “good” (that is such a relative term when it comes to art). The point of adding painting into your daily routine, at least for me, is that you will start to intentionally notice the everyday beauty around you. Make sure you sign and date it, and I like to put the location of my painting too- this way when you look back on it, it will take you back to that moment. The point of adding painting into your daily routine, at least for me, is that you will start to intentionally notice the everyday beauty around you. It is such a fun way to journal!

Who You're Buying From Continued...


(Part 1 below) Tate is truly a blessing, from the moment she was born. She was the most amazing baby, from sleeping to flexibility of environments, she has been nothing but delightful. I stayed home to look after her as Anthony continued going to school at the University of Texas, as well as working as a designer at a big data company. I love being a mother but a part of me was still mourning the fact that I was not furthering my education, having to completely surrender my former desires in life for the new found desire of my family's well being, and making sure we have a welcoming home (this includes cleaning, laundry, cooking, and making sure our home is a place where we can relax and unwind together).  Being a mom has made me really prioritize things in my life and school had fallen low on my list now that I have a family to think of.  

I made the decision to continue my education at UT in 2016, but how transferring in the spring works at the university, I ended up not being able to apply to the visual arts college and had to enter the liberal arts program. After a year of attending school, I realized that I was not even on a path to be an artist; I was just getting a degree for the sake of getting a degree, and it was a waste of my time and a waste of money. It was time to do what I really love doing: art. I had given up that dream of becoming an artist for the past 2 years, but God works in mysterious ways.

Kid you not, I spent months actively praying about what to do about school, consulting both my church and my missional community, trying to figure out what I was going to do the following fall. Well April comes around, and our lease at our apartment downtown was about to be up and we decided to start looking to rent a house. We start looking and everything is either too expensive or way too small for our already small family. We then find a house, that is everything and more of what we were looking for. Great location, extra rooms, a backyard, and so much more; it was also BELOW our budget. Well, one of the two extra rooms made a perfect studio/ office. I felt it was time to revisit my dream of being an artist, to create.

Even though in 2014, it seemed my dreams were always going to be just dreams, this journey has actually made it possible for me to follow my passion. Since I am mom, I have to stay home all day with my beautiful toddler, but now I have a studio in our house so I have the most ideal environment for me to paint. GOD IS SO GOOD! I thought my dream was forgotten, but no, God did not forget about me, he just had a very different path in mind to get me here. His plan is always better. Thank you for being a part of this dream, I am so excited what other plans God has for me, and I cannot wait to see where The Flea Market Funky takes me.

The FMF?


The Flea Market Funky, what a name! It came about when my family and I were moving into a house, and it was the first space that I got to personally decorate. In our first apartment, everything was beige, black, grey, or white because we just needed furniture, whether that be from family or a great deal at a consignment store, and I wanted everything we got to match. So when we moved, I was ecstatic to put color back into our lives! My husband and I’s style is quite quirky, we have a velvet navy couch, a bright yellow lamp, accents of sea blue, orange, and grey. Well my mother (who has an eye for interior decorating) walks in and says, “I know what your style is, its flea market funky!” The more I sat on it, the more I loved the phrase! This site is me trying to leap back into the world I love, the world of art. I have a lot of plans and dreams with The FMF, I hope to create a community that is full of love, sharing my passion for all things beautiful.

Fear , Confidence, and the Internet


I think putting your artwork online is intimidating. People, strangers, or more talented artists can sit there, zooming in, starring, and pick apart my work. They have the luxury of having this digital image of my piece and they can study it for however long they please.

“The bigger the fear, the more confidence you will gain when facing it.”

The challenge is getting over that fear. While it is a very valid fear, the internet almost does you a favor. It causes you to have way more confidence as an artist quickly. The bigger the fear, the more confidence you will gain when facing it. You will probably become a better artist because of someone’s critique. Maybe you are more talented than you thought and maybe you get the encouragement you need to keep creating.

Who You're Buying From


I have wanted to become an artist since the age of 3. Growing up, I was fascinated with color, drawing and creating, especially with my mom, who is also a creator, and I was on the path I thought I needed to be on to become a great artist. However, if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan.

It was the week before spring finals and I was finishing up my freshman year at Texas Tech University. It was a great year: I was majoring in studio art; I had good grades; I had amazing friends; I had a serious boyfriend. I had made plans to transfer to Texas Christian University the following fall. I turned 19 in April of 2014, and little did I know my whole life was about to change. I made the discovery that I was pregnant.

I first called my boyfriend, Anthony, who was calm, telling me he loved me and that it was going to be ok. The following summer was a hectic one, full of planning, and refocusing my life. At the end of summer 2014, I married the love of my life and started the crazy adventure of marriage with my best friend. About three weeks after our wedding, when I was six months pregnant, I felt a sharp pain in my leg and it began to swell.  The swelling and pain increased and I was rushed to the emergency room.  It was discovered that I had a blood clot in my femoral artery that stretched from my hip to the bottom of my calf.  A small piece of the clot had broken off and was in my lungs, and my life was in danger. I was in the hospital for a week, then bed rest at home and was on blood thinners for the next six months. During this whole process, our baby’s life was never in danger, she was so strong and healthy even when I was not. God continuously showed me love and grace during this time of my life. On December 29, 2014, the most beautiful baby girl, Tate, made her entrance into the world.